Collaboration and growth + Quality

Catching up on my reading I came across an article in ErhvervsBladet (20.01.09) written by Jon Arskog which extols Abelone’s idea of collaborating with potential competitors in order to handle bigger projects. (It seems to have taken the rest of the business world a while to realise how important it is to collaborate in order to survive!)
The article lists several points which actually are the same as those covered by Peter Lind Nielsen (ref my previous entry 21.01.09)
Jon Arskog also lists a quick summary of how to be prepared to tender for bigger projects:

  • Keep an eye on tenders; check on the Kommunes’ home sites
  • Ensure that you are locally ‘visible’ so the Kommune know who you are. People remember those they know about.
  • Talk with others who are experienced in tendering for Kommunal projects. What are their experiences, both good and bad?
  • Find collaborating partners if the projects are too big for you to handle on your own

It all ties in with our present debate on quality systems and the importance of being able to call on a group of micros that one knows all embrace the same high standards of quality.
