Knowledge sharing and cultural changes
Looking for some relevant case stories of Knowledge sharing in bigger companies I came across the article by David J. Skyrme ‘The 3Cs of Knowledge Sharing:Culture, Co-opetition and Commitment’ written in 2002. Implementing change, particularly cultural and corporate change, is…
Idle thoughts about homepages
Business is slack at the moment so I had a more detailed look at the Google analytics relating to my homepage. A steady stream of visitors, of which 37% are returning visits and the rest just one-offs. What I found…
Printing and hardcover-binding a limited number of books
As mentioned in a previous blog, I have been looking for someone to print and bind a book– with hard covers – in a very limited edition – 8 to be precise. Thanks to the Mikronet network I was given…
Focus -Mikronet’s newspaper advertising cum information insert
We Mikronetters represent an amazing source of business knowledge and value …. This is unfortunately not always recognised by the bigger organisations and municipal offices in the Region. Our local paper (as a result of an initiative started by Abelone…
Micro enterprises – support, survival or death?
Is Denmark doing anything to help us Micro businesses survive in the present financial climate? I haven’t found anything on the Internet where I have been searching for some statistical information about the actual number of Micros forced to close…
Printing a book – the power of networking
I have been translating and typing up a family member’s autobiography. It’s to be read by family members only, so a very few copies are needed. But we would like to have the finished book nicely printed and bound. I…
Et hav af spændende oplæg og udstillere på iværk 09
At få lavet sin mad i høkasse sparer CO2. Vibeke Hauerslev står på messen og viser, hvordan man kan tilberede sin slow food og spare en masse energi. hun fremstiller de sødeste høkasser , som leveres inklusive hø og kan…
Vi søger bloggere til Mikronets blog – læs om at blogge her
Mikronet driver denne blog ved hjælp af skiftende bloggere. Hvis du har lyst til at være en af dem, kan du henvende dig til os enten via eller ved at komme de næste to dage ind på Iværksættermessen i…
Courses – basic requirements
I recently decided to treat myself to a course in botanical drawing. I have been drawing and painting plants for many years, but just like work, updating one’s hobby skills is never a waste of time. I had two aims…
Art, discussion and social networking
One of my great pleasures is the meetings of our local network – we meet face to face, have something to eat and exchange news and help each other with whatever we can. This month we tried something new –…