Google Analytics

Last time I wrote an entry in this blog I had just heard about Google Analytics at the course held by Abelone. As mentioned, I have just had my homepages updated, and the designer very kindly added the relevant coding to each page so I could follow statistics like which pages were looked at, for how long etc.

I really like the function that allows one to see which countries have looked at the site – why would someone from Roumania find my site?

It is also encouraging to see that people spend time reading the various pages, and even that they have a look at the site. I always had a suspicion that no-one ever looked at it, but now I know that there are a few hits nearly every day.

And, of course, there is also the added feeling of anticipation when the analytics are updated at 9 am – has anyone been in to look at it since yesterday?

Never enough though!

I’ll have to do something about it, particularly as I read in todays ErhvervsBladet that homepages have taken over the rôle previously held by the firm’s stationery letterheads and logo, and it therefore is a major business tool.

Suggestions are gratefully received!