Fact sheets – professional help

I’m still working on my fact sheets – those vital bits of information which will, hopefully, help to attract new customers. There will be three – one for each of the main services my micro offers – Translation, Business intelligence and Knowledge Management. The sheets must be well formulated and to the point. A Mikronetter, Rikke, will be helping me with this task. I selected Rikke because she was recommended by a colleague and I find her homeside clear and informative.

I  also contacted Palle Temsen from  Erhvervsraad Lolland-Falster (I am a member). They are going to help with advice and I hope with selecting possible new customers. It was their idea to write the fact sheets as Palle thought my business folder was too vague – trying to cover too many things and failing. We’ll have another meting once the sheets are ready.

Trying to write these “fact sheets” has proven not only unexpectedly difficult, but also beneficial: they focus the mind on exactly what my firm offers and which are core services and which are less interesting. The latter can always be mentioned in conversation with a customer if necessary.  I recommend the exercise!