“Think Small First” – survival of micros
I was on holiday while the international SME week took place, but checking on the various incentives held in Denmark, it was obvious that big cities such as Copenhagen appeared to be the only ones who participated, and once again…
Collaboration and growth + Quality
Catching up on my reading I came across an article in ErhvervsBladet (20.01.09) written by Jon Arskog which extols Abelone’s idea of collaborating with potential competitors in order to handle bigger projects. (It seems to have taken the rest of…
Bench marking and Knowledge Management
I discussed Knowledge Management (KM) with a colleague recently, wondering why it has not become as accepted here in Denmark as it has elsewhere – the only answer we arrived at is that Danes are very individualistic, and probably because…
Post Mikronet conference – comments and ‘value’
Fresh from our Mikronet conference where a good deal of debate has resulted from Finn Helmer’s provoking and stimulating presentation, I’m still feeling elated from once again meeting fellow ‘Mikronetters’. It is surprising how quickly we have become known to…
Progress at last! Promotion of my firm
At last there is some action with my plans to grow my business! I had a meeting with Palle Temsen from the local Trade and Development Center… and together we arrived at some concrete next steps. 1. Get my homepage…