Lessons learned 2005-2007 – about networking for entrepreneurs and microbusiness

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The Mikronet Network consists of ca. 350 free-lancers, independent entrepreneurs and micro-businesses.
The Network is run by volunteers; membership is free. 
Mikronet functions as a collection point online for various groups and by a very active web log.
The Network originated in the former Storstrom’s Amt, but now has members from all over Denmark. In 2005, the Network arranged Denmark’s first trans-disciplinary meeting for freelancers and micro-businesses, and has since held several physical meetings.

The Network has achieved to attract a surprisingly high number of mature, independent and highly educated people to an outlying area, and strengthens the individual business owners’ ability to grow in network constellations and with competing colleagues “Coopetitioners ” arrangements.

The particular strength of the network is its conspicuous presence on the internet, and Mikronet recommends that, in future, establishers of entrepreneur networks cultivate online networks, and ensure training of the person responsible for managing the network.
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