The value of blogs and Twitter as marketing tools
I have been active as a Mikronet blogger since the blog was first started, and have enjoyed the comments – although these are rare, they are generally a boost to the day – but I’ve decided to take a break,…
Tweeting Sociale netvœrker
Twitter er helt fantastiskt! Jeg har fået rigtig mange gode links til business intelligence artikler og kontakt til nogen meget dygtige og engagerede mennesker som deler af deres viden og fundne interessante links – og så er det at det…
New year resolutions
So now it’s back to work after a really relaxing and enjoyable few weeks. The snow is lying deep and beautiful, a great start to 2010. I try not to make too many new year promises to myself – the…
As long ago as April* this year Phil Bradley pointed out the increasing impact and importance of twitter. “Early in February Twitter became one of the 100 most visited websites in the UK, …and thousands are registering every day” . …
Boganm: Twitter- massekommunikation på 140 tegn
Twitter- massekommunikation på 140 tegn Bogen er udgivet på forlaget Libris ISBN-13: 978-87-7843-880-5 Pris: 99 kr. Bogens egen webside: eller FAKTA: witterbogen handler om Twitter som et af de seneste fænomener indenfor socialmedia på Intenettet. Bogen giver både…
Twitter – and social networks
I have heard of Twitter but not tried it, (emails and face-book are addictive enough and can easily take more time than intended), but an article in Time* made me realise that I need to keep up with developments of…