Internet scam revisited – Registration and IP Address frauds

I noticed quite a few new comments to my blog dated 29.11.06, so obviously these criminals are still flourishing.

 An article in ErhvervsBladet (07.07.09) mentions a new variation of the scam that caught many of us small Danish businesses a few years ago.

Whereas the last wave of fraudulent invoices involved registration of one’s firm, this lot concentrates on the registration (and transfer to a different, expensive host) of IP addresses.
Intrigued as to why Denmark apparently should be targeted I did a quick Google search and found that Ireland, Belgium and Canada (to mention just a few) have all been targeted in the past. Various blogs warn about outbreaks – I have listed a few of the sites I found.
This one, from Canada is one of the earliest I found:  (June 30, 2004) (February 29th, 2008) mentions a similar scam targeting Belgium (9th September 2008)
Surely some international effort to stop this piracy can be organised?
