Why network?

Fresh from the training day on the Virtual Handshake and business networks,  I was pleased to see that the most recent issue of Update carries a section on  business contacts: the importance of internal networking. The article lists reasons to become involved in internal networking; it is aimed at people working for large companies, but the tips are equally relevant to small businesses, such as the majority of us run, and their customers or clients.

Here are 8 of the tips, adapted from Annabel Colley’s article-  Business contacts:the importance of internal networking*

– to influence the right stakeholders

– to build a business case

– to communicate change in the right way

– to gain a stratetic overview of the business – yours, your customer’s

– to go after new business and reposition your business

– to build partnerships with other businesses in your area/field

– to spot the drivers for change

It is important to keep abreast of changes, in the community and particularly within your own area of expertise, and of course, that of your clients. 

*Update, 2007, 6 (7-8) 28-31.