Anm: Big Business af Jette Friis O'Broin

Jette Friis O’Broin Big Business En håndbog for iværksættere, selvstændige og andre, der ønsker succes i erhvervslivet Schultz Forlag ISBN 9788760917349 At få endnu en succesbog i hånden om iværksætteri er oftest en underlig fornemmelse. Der er mange af dem…

As an information professional I was interested to hear the results of the report*  covering a Survey on Outsourcing which documents the perceptions, needs and concerns of information professionals regarding outsourcing of information services. This survey concentrated on information professionals,…

Just a very brief advertisement! While doing desk research on existing ‘best practice’ and quality initiatives for micro-entrepreneurs and SMEs, I came across some articles which, judging by the titles, sounded very relevant. These were not available from our local…