I have heard of Twitter but not tried it, (emails and face-book are addictive enough and can easily take more time than intended), but an article in Time* made me realise that I need to keep up with developments of…
Et fleksibelt åbent og cafeagtigt mødested, der også kan bruges til showroom, catwalk, events, galleri, salg af lokale varer, kurser, faste kontorpladser, løse flyverpladser, åbent kontor for andre besøgende selvstændige uden for Lolland – Falster, samlekontor for mindre selvstændige, der…
I løbet af de sidste måneder har jeg arbejdet med at få planlagt, designet og programmeret min nye hjemmeside www.klausmoeller.dk Det har været en spændende proces, som har lært mig meget og hvor jeg har skulle tage mange beslutninger om,…
Using the “W6-model” – Six steps from ´idea´ to ´product´ – … when browsing my ´Linkedin-news´ I came across the following request : QUESTION : “I have launched a new business venture, can you help?” ANSWER : – A useful…
Til Alle Mikronetter på Lolland, Falster, øerne og Sydsjælland. Brainstorm Brunch Du inviteres hermed til at komme med dit bud på, hvad du kan bruge et fælles lokale til i Nykøbing F. Fredag den 12. juni kl 10-13 Sted:…
Came across this highly resourceful web-site … – and, it´s even so good that I consider it be worthwhile sharing in this forum also. lots of serious resources, lots of inspiration – tons of state-of-the-art designs, check for…
I read Ryon Harms’s item “Your Resume is Dead. Long Live Your Blog!” (2009 May 26) on blogs and cvs with great interest. Briefly he considers that finding a new job by submitting the usual 2 page cv is a…
I was on holiday while the international SME week took place, but checking on the various incentives held in Denmark, it was obvious that big cities such as Copenhagen appeared to be the only ones who participated, and once again…
I noticed quite a few new comments to my blog dated 29.11.06, so obviously these criminals are still flourishing. An article in ErhvervsBladet (07.07.09) mentions a new variation of the scam that caught many of us small Danish businesses a…